Primarily Voiced Objections

  1. They’re Doing That to the Palestinians
  2. I Don’t Care About Your God, Don’t Impose Your Religion on Me
  3. Islam Doesn’t Teach That/Christianity is Just as Bad
  4. They Still Need to Leave — They’re Colonizers

1. They’re Doing That to the Palestinians

Common Wording

  • “Ethnic cleansing”
  • “Genocide”


2. I Don’t Care About Your God, Don’t Impose Your Religion on Me

Common Wording

  • “Not everyone’s Christian”
  • “Separation of Church and state”


3. Islam Doesn’t Teach That/Christianity is Just as Bad

Common Wording

  1. “We only care what the Quran says — not Hadiths”
  2. “Islam is peaceful.” [references Quranic verses of peace]
  3. “What about the Amalekites?”

Responses to Wording 1

Responses to Wording 2

Responses to Wording 3

4. They Still Need to Leave — They’re Colonizers

Common Wording

  • “Racist”
  • “Israel’s culturally genociding the natives”



Always Bring it Back to Islam — Bring it Back to the Syllogism